COMMAND: group
ARGUMENTS: [[-r/-rl] <group/user> [command [arguments]]]

The "group" command allows for perusal of system groups and user-defined groups
and manipulation of system groups.

Without any arguments, the "group" command will display a list of all system

The remaining usages of the group command all require a group name as an
argument (except the "list" command, which requires a user name).  Group names
are usually enclosed in parentheses; however, parentheses are optional around
group names when using the "group" command, unless the group name contains a
space.  Also note that the "controller" group for a group (the group of people
allowed to make changes to the membership/controllership of that group) is the
pound sign (#) plus the group name.  The controller group for (Felix), for
example, would be (#Felix).  Furthermote, note that the "group" command is case
insensitive with respect to group names; however, the capitalization used when
creating the group is the capitalization that will always be used when
displaying the name of the group.

With just a group name as an argument (with the optional "-r" or "-rl" flag
preceeding it), the "group" command will display a list of all members of that
group.  In this list, group controllers will be highlighted (if you have ansi
turned on), or have an asterisk prepended to their name (if you don't).  With
the "-r" or "-rl" flag, a different style list will be displayed, containing
statistics for the members ("-r" uses last 15 war stats for players, "-rl" uses
last 100 war stats).  This is the only part of the "group" command which will
function with user-defined groups (see the end of this help file for
information on user-defined groups).

With a user name instead of a group name, and the "list" command, the "group"  
command will display a list of groups which that user is a member of.  Groups
which they are a controller in will be highlighted.

To create or delete a group, the proper command format is the group name
followed by the keyword "create" or "delete".  Controller groups cannot be
created or deleted directly, they are created and deleted automatically along
with the group.  Only administrators can create or delete a group.

To add or remove users (or other groups) from a group, the proper command
format is the group name followed first by the keyword "add" or "remove", then
by the names of the users which should be added or removed from the group.  
Only administrators or members of the controller-group for the
group-in-question may add or remove users from a group.

Each group has a group of "flags" associated with it that indicate its purpose
and possibly modify its behavior.  To set flags on a group, the command format
is the group name followed by the keyword "set", followed by the flag name,
followed by the value to set for the flag (if any is needed).  To remove
(unset) flags from a group, the command format is the group name followed by
the keyword "unset", followed by the flag name.  To view the flags on a group,
the command format is the group name followed by the keyword "flags".  Only
administrators can set or unset flags on a group.  Currently used flags consist
of "admin" (which designates a group as an administration-related group),
"domain" (which designates a group as a domain-related group), and "channel"
(which sets up a communications channel associated with the group--if set to a
value, sets the command for that channel, otherwise the command defaults to the
name of the group).

User-defined groups: for convenience, you can create your own user-defined
groups that are supported by many group-supporting commands, such as "who",
"tell", and "mail".  User-defined groups are not created with the "group"
command, but rather with the "eset" command.  To create a group, set a variable
with the group name (in parentheses), with a value of the users you wish to be
in your group, separated by commas.  If you want a space in the name of your
group, you should use underscores in the group name to replace the spaces.  
For example: "eset (Friends) jack,joe,steve" would create a group called
"Friends" with Jack, Joe, and Steve as members.  "eset (My_Clan)
peggy,sue,(sweden)" would create a group called "My Clan" with members Peggy,
Sue, and anyone in the already-defined group "Sweden".


(displays a list of all system groups)
group (admin)
(displays a list of the members of the (admin) group)
group -r (mich)
(displays statistics for members of the (mich) group)
group -rl (sweden)
(displays statistics for members of the (sweden) group, using last 100 wars)
group (#fields)
(displays the membership of the controller group for the (fields) group)
group (admin) remove huggybear jing
(removes Huggybear and Jing from the (admin) group)
group (admin) add pudding
(adds Pudding to the (admin) group)
group (approval) add (admin)
(adds the group (admin) to the (approval) group)
group (Sweden) create
(creates a new group called "Sweden")
group (bon jovi) delete
(deletes a group named "Bon Jovi")
group (admin) set admin
(sets the "admin" flag on the (admin) group)
group (admin) flags
(displays the flags that are set on the (admin) group)
group (admin) unset admin
(removes the "admin" flag from the (admin) group)
group fireblade list
(displays the groups that Fireblade is a member of)